Monday, May 2, 2011

Chapters 12-15


  1. Empathy - Atticus

    If I wasn't already scared enough by now my heart nearly pounded through my chest when I saw my kids with Dill come by. All I could think was please don't do anything to them. I love my kids so much and this was the most scared I've ever been in my life. If Jem could have just listened to me and wasn't so stubborn it would have been so much less stressful for me. When I got this case I didn't know this was gonna be part of it. The worst part is that I know he's innocent but no white man in the country would ever dare not to convict him.

  2. 'I wants to know why you bringin' white chillun to ______ church.' (119]

    This quote from Lula really got me thinking. If black people are trying to stop racism and being segregated then why would Lula not want Jem and Scout at their church. Most people there were really welcoming except her. Even Reverend Skyes had a little shout out to them saying how glad he was too have the company of Scout and Jem. Lula even confronted Cal about it. 'You ain't got got not business bringin' white chillun here-they got their own church, we gout our'n.' (119] This is especially bad because it's a church she's trying to keep separated. A church is a place of religion and since they both believe in the same things it shouldn't matter where you are worshiping. Lula was wrong also because Scout and Jem are just children. Them being at their church was not causing any trouble besides the kinda Lula started herself. It showed a lot of love and courage of Cal for standing up for Scout and Jem. Scout throughout the story is finding friends in many people she wouldn't have guessed too see it in.

  3. "I agreed: they did want us here. I sensed rather saw, that we were being advanced upon. They seemed to be drawing closer to us, but when I looked up at Calpurnia there was amusement in her eyes. When I looked down the pathway again, Lula was gone. In her place was a solid mass of colored people." page 119
    Calpurnia was brave when she had the courage to take Jem and Scout to her church, knowing that Lula's big mouth would have been the only thing making the experience uncomfortable. Lula made Jem and Scout feel unwanted and deserted, gaining the feeling of not belonging. They didn't belong but they were guests of Calpurnia and their experience of being at a completely different world view of colored people, Jem and Scout realized the significance of a whole different side. Jem and Scout were so amazed by First Purchase, not having hymnal books for everyone and how when they sang, the people would just join in after. Through my life, I've been taught to go outside of my comfort zone and explore different things. Being in the same shoes for your whole life is boring and you don't learn anything by not being adventurous. When I was younger, I was really shy and growing up I slowly crawled out of my shell and adventured out to learn about everything else in the world. This section meant a lot because it gave Jem and Scout the opportunity to explore their small town of Maycomb. When you have the chance to be free, take it. I was proud of Jem and Scout and how they presented themselves at Cal's church, how respectful and understanding they were and how they sacrificed their quarter during the time of need for Tim Robinson's wife Helen.

  4. 'Tell him hey for me, won't you?' Attics said it was the polite thing to talk to people about what they were interested in .... Mr Cunningham displayed no interest in his son." 154 I was sure that talking to Mr Cunningham about Walter would get his attention, but when I looked up to his eyes were straight forward, not even acknowledging my being here, at ten o'clock, at a jail. Everyone else could seem to stop looking at me with ridiculous expressions, to the point of me being uncomfortable. I decided to give getting his attention one more try. "Entailments are bad," my voice ringing out through the night, sounding too loud for my own ears. Everyones closed mouths opened on simultaneously, as if on a cue. I felt myself getting nervous, and a bead of sweat form on my forehead. Why were these people here? Is Mr Cunningham dangerous? I never thought I would get an answer until they all left and Tom Robinson's "soft husky voice " cut through the air, " They gone?" he asked. "They've gone... They won't bother you any more"

  5. Empathy

    I can't believe Scout just did that. She was just addressing a mob like it was no big deal. Did she know that those people would have hurt Atticus,oh if they hurt Atticus I would have whoop them. I'm just so shocked she did that. First of all she wasn't even supposed to come with me, she is always bugging me and following me around. I guess she is the reason Atticus is ok so I guess she did good. For a little kid she's got a lot of spirit, she may not be the brightest but she is my sister and I would do anything for her.

  6. "Now I mean it, Scout, you antagonize Aunty and I'll- I'll spank you." With that I was gone.'You damn morphodite, I'll kill you!" (138)

    This is the first time in the story where I have felt this intense and negative feeling based off of Jem and Scout fighting. I have never heard anyone call their sibling a "morphidite" or say that they "spank them" or "kill them." This is nothing like any "sibling war" that I have seen, heard or have been in.

  7. "'Go home, Jem' he said. 'Take Scout and Dill home.'... 'Go home, I said.' Jem shook his head." (152)

    Center of gravity:

    When I read this passage, I knew that Atticus had enough to deal with without Scout Dill and Jem showing up. He was protecting Tom from the group of people trying to get him, and Scout Dill and Jem were just making it harder. I was angry at Jem for not obeying Atticus, even though he knew that Atticus might have gotten hurt. I could tell that Atticus was desperate for the kids to leave when he said "Please Jem, take them home" (153). If his kids got hurt in any way, which Jem almost did by one of the men, it would be terrible for him, which is why he was almost begging Jem to take Scout and Dill home.

  8. "Well, they stayed gone all the time, and when they were home, even, they'd get off in a room by themselves." (143)

    In chapter fourteen Dill's actions reminded me of every other kid. At some point, every kid thinks about running away because they think it the solution to getting away from their problems. Like when I was a kid I tried running away. I only got down the street for about an hour but it was for the same reason. As Dill explained why he did it, I felt bad because I understood that he was lacking attention from his parents. Even though his parents may "buy him everything" he asks for that is not what he wants. Dill realizes that it is just a way of getting rid of him so they can do their own thing which feels lousy. By going to Jem and Scouts it shows how close they are. With their comfort and support friendship is really exposed in this part.

  9. Center of Gravity.
    " 'Go home, I said.'
    Jem shook his head. As Atticus's fists went to his hips, so did Jem's, and they faced each other I could see little resemblance between them: Jem's soft brown hair eyes, his oval face and snug-fitting ears were mother's, contrasting oddly with Atticus's graying black hair and square-cut features, but they were somehow alike. Mutual defiance made them alike." p 152.
    In this quote Jem, Scout and Dill stood by Atticus ready to defend him no matter what inexorable pugnacious brutes started to attack Atticus. The main message that I took from this quote was that even though Jem and Atticus don't look alike and resemble each other's physical qualities, but their relentless behavior and the way they follow their core values are similar. Atticus provides protection for Tom Robinson, Jem provides protection for Atticus the list goes on and on. This was an example of community backing each other up in a time Of need. On the other hand, the group of men turning on Atticus and Tom showed community turning on it's own people and falling apart.

  10. Empathy

    "Jem hollered, 'It's time you started bein' a girl and acting right!'"

    In the last few weeks Jem had been acting very strange; he was eating all the time and he said I was "pestering" him all the time. I missed the old Jem. The old Jem would have never told me to behave like a girl! He knew I hated acting all girly and go around wearing a dress. The old Jem would have told me that I acted too much like a girl! This really hurt so I went to talk to Cal. Except Cal was even treating him differently! She was calling Jem "Mister Jem" like he was some kind of a grown up and not the boy that played with me everyday over the summer. Cal's great advice was that "he's gonna want to be off by himself a lot now, doin' whatever boys do." I can do whatever boys do! Before Jem changed I was doing "whatever boys do"! It turns out I'm going to be spending a lot more time with Cal in the kitchen and a lot less time with Jem doing "whatever boys do"!

  11. Matt- thats a really good point of view you brought up that I was thinking of doing too. I cant image how scared he must have been, and if Jem had left, the situation might have ended differently.
    Ryan- I was angry at Jem too, wishing he would just get out of there, but also it must be good for Atticus to know how much his kids are watching out for him

  12. "And don't try to get around it. You've got to face it sooner or later and it might as well be tonight. We don't need her now."
    ..."Alexandra, Calpurnia's not leaving this house until she wants to..."(137)

    Wow! I can't believe Atticus just told off Aunt Alexandra like that, and he just told me otherwise. I don't understand why i always get the short end of the rope, were just the same, Atticus and i. Aunt Alexandra got what she deserved, just like Atticus had said, she's part of this family just as well as anyone else; how could she even think of getting rid of Calpurnia? I know that Calpurnia and i hit heads once in a while, but that doesn't change anything, she's still my friend, and very much respected. I honestly think that aunty just wants to take Calpurnia's place, maybe she doesn't feel important, but if me and Jem have to respect her i don't see why not. It's not my place to talk, but i have say in this, Aunt Alexandra is no more adding her two-sense in any conversations. Again i see why Atticus got upset and told her off, without Cal, we probaly wouldn't even still be here now. I can see why Aunt Alexandra is upset, mainly furious now, she got what she deserved and she learned not to ever leave someone behind, nor kick them out of the family! ...

  13. "Atticus, I'll go next Sunday if it's all right, can I? Cal said she'd come get me if you were off in the car." "You may not." Aunt Alexandra said it." pg. 136

    Wow, I now see why Francis is such a brat. He has Alexandra for his mother. During our stay at her house, we were nothing but polite to her. Our stay only went awry because Francis likes to insult people. However, when Alexandra stays at our house, she thinks it's okay to boss me around. I now see who Francis models himself after- his mother. Francis is just a smaller version of Alexandra. They both feel obligated to express their opinions on the matter at hand, and their opinions always start trouble.


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