Monday, May 16, 2011

Chapters 24-27


  1. "When Halloween came, I assumed the whole family would be present to watch me perform, but I was disappointed."253
    After all Scouts hard work and dedication she put into Miss Merriweather's play and now her own family wont even come to support her, makes her sad. The one time that Scout has the opportunity to really prove to everyone that she does care about life and that it's not a game anymore,is when her family shuts her out. As she gets older she realizes more and more about respect and responsibility. I would have thought Atticus would be right up front supporting his daughter when she needed him most. They all had excuses and didn't even bother about how much they hurt Scout's bravery and pride. Jem was the only one there who had been there for Scout through everything. Even though they've had their differences, they will always love each other and be there for one another. Although Scout would have liked for Aunty and Atticus to be there, she had Jem and that's all she needed to prove herself right and make a difference. Scout showed her strong side once again in saying, "after that, it didn't matter whether they went or not."(254) Jem's willingness to be there for Scout proved their special bond and that they will never lose one another, they're in it for the long run.

  2. "'Why couldn't I mash him?' I asked. 'Because they don't bother you' Jem answered in the darkness"(238)

    This quote said by Jem reminded me of what Atticus said to Scout and Jem about how it's a sin to kill a mockingbird because the mockingbird just "sings its songs" and doesn't bother anyone or anything. This shows that Jem is definitely growing up and maturing throughout the book.

  3. Center of Gravity

    "Over here we don't believe in persecuting anybody. Persecution comes from people who are prejudice." page 245

    This got me thinking when I read this. There is a lot of irony in what Miss Gates says. She is saying how in America we are a democracy that believes in equality and agrees with Scout's definition, 'Equal rights for all, special privileges for none,'. Just a little while ago though Tom was sent to prison for a crime he didn't commit because of his race which doesn't show equality at all. Then when in prison he was shot 17 times because he tried to escape. I doubt it took seventeen bullets to kill him, and it most likely was overkill due to rage or racism. They don't notice the irony because they've all seemed to forget about Tom, but as the reader it is very ironic.

  4. Dear My Lovely Helen,
    Let me just say how sorry I am for everything. You know as well as I do that I would never do anything like that. But I must tell you why I am writing. I have a plan so we can be together. I'm going to run as fast as I can for as long as I can. I'm going to climb the fence and just go for it. Meet me at our house then we can run together. Will go to a new state and start a new life were no one knows my name. You can't tell anyone though. I was thinking about telling Atticus but he would only talk me out of it. During my exercise period I'll just make a break for it. I know it'll be hard because of my arm but my speed will make up for it. All of this will be over Helen. I can't believe what you must be going through too. Raising our kids on your own not having your husband by your side. Well all that is now done with. I know this letter might be shocking but I know this will be for the best and even if something bad happens just know it'll be a lot better than rotting away in this jail cell. Even though I've been here for only a short time I already know I can't stay. To be honest I know that this plan has a better chance of failing, there's probably no one I'll escape the guards but I need to try not just for you and the kids but for me. Maybe it's my time to find this greater place everyone keeps talking about. Don't get me wrong I'd rather be free and be with you but I'm hoping for the best and preparing for the worst. Sometimes that's the best way to live. Tomorrow if I'm not at the house by night fall then know that they have stopped me. Pray for me. I've loved you since day one and I'll keep on loving you until the end of time.
    Forever Yours,
    -Tom Robinson <3

  5. Empathy

    I was worn out from travailing work at football. Carrying those dang water jugs make me so tired. I got into some nice cotton pajamas and jumped onto my freshly made bed. Thats why I like Aunt Alexandra, she makes my bed and does my laundry so its nice and cozy when I get home. I got under my covers and picked up my new favorite book when Scout came in. I saw her eyes roam around my room, taking in the banana peels from earlier. She asked me about them and I answered. She still seemed bothered by something. "Whats eatin' you?" I asked. She looked a little pale and scratched her arm. "Well coming out of the courthouse that night Miss gates was-she was goin' down the steps in front of us..I heard her say it was about time somebody taught 'em a lesson....Jem, how can you hate Hitler so bad an' then turn around and be ugly about folks right at home-" I could not believe my ears. I suddenly got hot under my sheets and bolted from the bed. "I never wanta hear about that courthouse again, ever, ever, you hear me? You hear me? Don you ever say one word to me about it again, you hear? Now go on!" I wanted her out of my sight as soon as possible. She should know not to talk to anyone about it, I don't care how close we were before, and how much we could talk about. The courthouse is one thing I cant talk about. Scouts small face had no color left in it, and her eyes were wide as a deer. She mechanically stepped out of my room and closed the door softly. As if she was afraid a noise too loud would set me off again. The courthouse hit a nerve this time, and if she does bring it up again she'll really get it.

  6. Chapter 26
    'We are a deomcracy..' Over here we don't believe in persecuting anybody. Persecution comes from people who are prejudice.."

    When Miss Gates has this discussion on how America is a democracy it seemed like her eyes were not open and that she was very hypocritical. I don't think she meant to be, but she just so happened to be wrong. It does not make sense how she is saying that Germany is prejudice and America is not. Not only is America full of predjudice and judgemental people, but Maycomb especially. Their town is known for the gossip that goes around and the rumors that have been told. I disagree with what she had said and don't think that she should be teaching it to the kids.

  7. center of gravity

    "It might be because he knows in his heart that the very few people in Maycomb really believed his and Mayella's yarns. He thought he'd be a hero, but all he got for his pain was ... was, okay, we'll convict this ____ but get back to your dump." PG. 250

    Tom Robinson is dead and it is all thanks to Mr. Ewell and his daughter for making up that he had raped her. Mr. Ewell thought he would be a hero and that everyone would be happy but he really got nothing. He got his fifteen minute of fame in his spotlight but was it worth another man's life? This situation of Mr. Ewell putting a black man in prison reminds of how Abraham Lincoln was killed by John Wilkes Booth. John Wilkes Booth thought that he would be a hero for killing Abraham Lincoln but instead he was hated and killed. Mr. Ewell put Tom Robinson away and people didn't like him. I think that he should get a punishment like Booth.

  8. Empathy in the voice of Helen Robinson.

    It was very sweet of Link Deas to hire me as a cook, because he knew how hard supporting children with only one parent is. When Tom was shot I couldn't stop thinking of what I was going to do to make money for my family or how I would run my house with no husband, these questions repeating in my head during my sleepless nights. Unfortunately, the walk to Mr. Link's went by the Ewell's house, when I did take that way Mr. Ewell harssed me! So I took a detour that was a tough and bumpy mile long. After a little time Mr. Link realized I had not been coming to the house the quickest way. I explained the whole story and he convinced me that everything would be okay if I went the Ewell's way. He was sadly mistaken Mr. Ewell "chunked at her", even after Mr. Link told Mr. Ewell off, Mr. Ewell follow me all the way the to Mr. Link's house calling me nasty unpleasent words. This has been one of the toughest moments in my life: my beloved husband was shot seventeen times, I am being harassed by the dirtiest and most rude man on all of Maycomb County, and I have to provide for my children.

  9. "I heard her say it's time somebody taught 'em a lesson, they were gettin' way above themselves, an' the next thing they think they can do is marry us. Jem, how can you hate Hitler so bad an' then turn around and be ugly about folks right at home-" (247)

    Center of gravity:
    Scout astounded me in this scene. She is so wise beyond her years, she can look past all of the hatred around her, and look at the big picture. It's amazing to see a third grader have the ability to look past all of the judgement, and gossip, and really focus on the problem here. She saw that people having unfair opinions, without any knowledge or reason, was wrong. She saw, for no reason, people had hateful attitudes towards others, which is just shows just how wise she really is.


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