Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Chapters 1-3


  1. At the end of chapter 1, Jem tries to act dangerous and go into the Radley house. The Radley's have been a distant family towards the neighborhood and come off to be scary to the people. If I was in Jem's position, I would certainly be scared and not even go into the house. I would feel pressured and formidable. I feel that Jem probably feels the way and Dill and Scout are also probably scared because they wait until Jem goes in first.

  2. I couldn't believe my ears. Did miss Caroline really just say Atticus shouldn't teach me anymore? She said all the things I've learned from him was 'damage'. I was shocked at first, but then I got furious! My hand clentching into a fist, my face getting beat red, the blood rushing through my body. How dare she say that about him! I'm smarter than all the boys and girls in my class put together!

  3. Beliefs.

    "Miss Caroline apparently thought I was lying, 'Lets not let our imaginations run away with us dear,' she said. ....'your father does not know how to teach." (17)

    When I read this passage it really got to me. When I was a little kid I was encouraged by my teachers to think outside the box and to be creative. Even now in my classes in high school being imaginative is still praised. When Miss Caroline said this it was almost like she was saying that being a dreamer or being original was a bad thing which could taint Scout's childhood. Another thing that could hurt Scout was when she said "Your father doesn't know how to teach." As a young kid my parents were like super people, they knew how to do everything no matter what it was. My mom would make the best food, could help me with anything and same as my dad. Encouraging otherwise makes me dislike Miss Caroline alot.

  4. I was very upset with Scout's perception of the Radley's on pages 8-9. All of her fears were based on what people said. she says, "Inside the house lived a malevolent phantom. People said that he existed, but Jem and I had never seen him. People said he went out at night when the moon was down and peeped in windows" (8-9). All of her opinions are based on rumors spread by others. It is thought that he exists, but they themselves have never seen him. They also believe the most ridiculous things.

  5. Empathy:
    I guess I may come off the wrong way to the kids but it's only because i never hear the end of it from them. They walk by my house like it's a brave thing they are doing. Saying things like "don't you know you're not supposed to even touch the trees over there? You'll get killed if you do!" Also saying that you'll die if you eat the pecans that fall in my yard? Little things like that are just ridiculous and they think I don't know but i just stand behind my window an watch. My only reasoning behind this is because i guess i just like being to myself.

  6. In the middle of chapter one, Miss Stephanie startes the rumor that Boo Radley stabbed his father in the leg (page 11). I thought this was really sad, especially since they're already outcasts. She later said that Boo would die unless his father got him from the basement of the courthouse, which I find ridiculous. At the first impression, Miss Stephanie made me angry. She seems to love gossip, and she seems very sneaky and sly.

  7. Center of Gravity

    "'Did you forget your lunch this morning?... Here's a quarter. Go eat downtown today. You can pay me back tomorrow.' 'Nome thank you ma'am'... 'Mrs. Caroline, he's a Cunningham'..." (pg 19-20)

    When everyone was putting their lunch on their desk, Walter Cunningham was the only one who didn't, which caused a commotion in front of the entire class. I felt really sorry for Walter, that he had to tell the class that he forgot his lunch and won't except Miss Caroline's money, which was probably extremely embarrassing. This made me also mad at Miss Caroline, because she could have just talked to him individually, even though she was only trying to help.

  8. If I were Jem, in chapter one, I would not want to be the first person to go up to Boo Radley's house. Obviously I wouldn't want Dill and Scout to think that I was a coward but I would want someone to go up to his house before me because the rumors about Boo are really scary. I would not want to be put in that dire situation.


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