Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Chapters 8-10


  1. Center of Gravity-
    "Miss Maudie looked around, and the shadow of her old grin crossed her face. 'Always wanted a smaller house, Jem Finch. Gives me more yard. Just think, I'll have more room for my azaleas now!' " (page 73)

    This passage once again showed how Miss Maudie is a pretty positive character. Her house just burned down and she acts happy about it. She is talking about all the good things, how she will have a bigger yard, more rooms and it will be much nicer. In fact she said that she "thought of settin' fire to it hundreds of time." This scene reminds me of just the other week a house near mine burned down. Just passing it every day on the bus upsets me. Even though Miss Maudie didn't like her old house, it is still an upsetting event and I can not believe that she is not upset about it.

  2. "Boo Radley. You were so busy looking at the fire you didn't know it when he put the blanket around you" (72).

    So apparently I kind of met Boo Radley without even realizing it. When I was mesmerized by the formidable fire, he put a blanket around me to keep me warm. Why would he do that? I can't believe that if I just turned around, I would have actually seen Boo Radley! Out of everyone there, why would he choose to help me? Maybe Miss Maudie was right, and Boo Radley seriously is a really nice guy. But if he had been out last night, does that mean he goes out of his house all the time?

  3. "'You ain't grievin', Miss Maudie?' I asked, surprised. Atticus said her house was nearly all she had.
    'Grieving, child? Why, I hated that old cow barn. Thought of settin' fire to it a hundred times myself, except they'd lock me up.'"

    Just like Scout I was really surprised that Miss Maudie was happy that her house burnt down. If it "was nearly all she had" I thought she would be very upset that almost everything she had just burnt to the ground. I know if my house burnt to the ground I would be devastated, I think most people would be too. I can't even think of one person who would be happy if their house caught up in flames. Even though Miss Maudie is happy that her house burnt down I still feel sorry for her.

  4. 'I drew a bead on him, remembered what Atticus had said, then dropped my fists and walked away, 'Scout's a coward!" ringing in my ears. It was the first time I ever walked away from a fight.' (page 76)

    While reading this part of the novel I started to remember one time when I almost got into a fight. Now I don't want everyone to think I was some tough girl back at my old school and fought everyone because that's not true. Surprising to even some of my friends, I have never been in a fight. That doesn't mean I haven't been in arguments. I would be the first person to defend myself, my friends, my family, and my beliefs. This stood out to me because one time back at my old school some girl wanted to fight me, and honestly to this day I have no idea why. I came home one day and explained the situation to my mom. She told me that no matter what happens and what she said to not let it get to me, not to fight her, and keep my head held high always. So when this girl confronted me I had no choice but to say there would be no fight. Just like in Scout's situation, the girl called me a coward. Even though this got me mad and I didn't want the title to stick with me I unclenched my fist and simply walked away. If it wasn't for my mom I would've gotten into my first fight that day and in a lot of trouble. My mom always tells me you have to pick your battle's and that that one wasn't worth fighting. Even though Scout and I have different opinions on fighting, we still did the right thing by following our parents orders even if we get called cowards.

  5. Empathy

    I was smiling ear to ear, feeling the foreign drops of white fall from the sky, and amazingly dissolve off my face a second later. Dripping down my face like tears of joy in this amazing moment. I glanced over at Scout, looking like a fool with her tongue out in the air, catching a few flakes. "Now don't eat it, Scout, you're wasting it. Let it come down" (65) I warned. We started walking towards Miss Maudie's, I was hopping along the slippery new terrain. After a run in with Mr Avery we reached the house Scout and i love, Miss Maudie's. I made my way to her as she shielded her precious azaleas. "Its beautiful ain't it, Miss Maudie?" I heard my voice echoing the wonder I felt. "Beautiful my hind foot! If it freezes tonight it'll carry off all my azaleas!" This was a strange thing to say from her I think. While the world is out enjoying this rare, yet meager snowfall, Miss Maudie is protecting her plans who will probably be fine. I thought she was the kind of person who never worried about anything, only about having a good time. Oh well, she was the one missing out when I was attempting to make a snowman.

  6. Center of Gravity
    "... Jem and Francis graduated to the big table. I often wondered what she thought I'd do, get up and throw something? I sometimes thought of asking her if she would let me sit at the big table with the rest of them just once..." (81)
    This quote really struck me because I could relate it to my past. It was always a dream of mine to sit at the "big kid table" as my parents called it. Sitting with my parents, aunts, uncles, and older cousins talking "grown up talk" and acting mature, but no, I was always stuck with the whining little kids. I soon came to realize that it wasn't because I was too young there just wasn't enough space, even my 18 year old sister still sits with me at the "little kid table". Whenever I asked, begged, or pleaded to be sitting at the "big kid table" my parents always made up some excuse like "but we need you to do a very special job for us by watching over the kids, but if you can't handle it we will find someone else..". They knew I would never turn down a challenge no matter how small. This quote I could really relate to myself because I know what it feels like to me a little girl and feel like an outsider, wanting to be grown up. Sitting at the "little kid table" was a predicament when I was young but it is just a part of growing up, and I believe it will teach Scout patience.

  7. Empathy

    I don't know why everybody is saying sorry to me? It could have gone down so much worst and at least I have my health. Its like a new beginning, and now I'm back to the drawing board. I know I'll want a smaller house, just think of all the room for my azaleas! I hated that old cow barn anyways and once this whole project is finished I'll have the best barn in Alabama! Until then I will just stay with the Crawfords, I'm just worried about Stephanie stealing my Lane cake recipe! Its been a secret for over thirty years and I plan to keep it that way.

  8. Kendall- I had the same thing. When our family goes to our beach house there is the bunk bed room which has 4 beds in it, I always wanted to sleep in it but never could because they older boys would stay in it. It made me feel like an outsider too so I can relate. Nice response Kendall :)

  9. Beliefs:

    "Francis looked at me carefully, concluded that I had been sufficiently subdued, and crooned softly, "Nigger-lover..." (84)

    I couldn't believe what I had read. A little kid using that word is completely inappropriate, and I seriously judge his parents for allowing him to use it. Atticus is his uncle, and for him to say such awful things about his uncle is ridiculous. I think it was very corageous of Scout to punch Francis in the face though. She knew very well knew what her consequence would be, yet she punches him anyway, in defense of her father. This scene really showed me how loyal, and stupid, Scout is. Atticus warns her not to fight with anyone who makes fun of him, yet she does it anyway. In this scene, Scout reminded me of my dog Lola. I always warn her not to jump on my bed, but she does anyway. She jumps right up on my bed, with muddy paws, and tries to snuggle with me. Even though I am upset with her, I know she only does it because she cares.

  10. "Center of gravity"
    I was impressed by Scout in chapter 9 when she shared her side of the story between her and her brat cousin Francis to Uncle Jack. Uncle Jack was the only one who gave Scout the chance to tell her side of the story and for many reasons why, Scout had the correct side. Francis was badmouthing Atticus and calling him dirty names that effected Scout in a big way. Atticus told Scout before that whatever anybody tells her about what he does, that Scout had promised she would not fight back. Francis continued to call Atticus names but Scout had in reply, "When stalking one's prey, it is best to take ones time. Say nothing, and as sure as eggs he will become curious and emerge." (83) Scout did as she thought but some how he was still in trouble with Aunt Alexandra who treated Francis like he was still a baby. The whole family nagged Scout for "locking Francis in the kitchen." Scout didn't even have the energy to refuse that he didn't do any such thing to Francis. She took all the yelling to heart and ran away. Now back at home Uncle Jack stepped into Scout's room where Scout sat in the corner weeping. " never stopped to gimme a chance to tell you my side of it-you just lit right into me." (86) Uncle Jack suddenly felt remorse for not hearing Scout's side and so he let Scout explain to him. Scout went on and on about how Francis was acting ike a big old jerk. He was calling Atticus awful names and saying that Atticus would be the 'ruination of the family an' he let Jem an me run wild."(86)Uncle Jack couldn't believe that Francis said all that but in return Scout replied, "Please sir, just let it go. Please."(86)Scout was so thoughtful and protective over Atticus that he made Uncle Jack promise he wouldn't tell Atticus, that he didn't want to hurt him. Im proud of Scout for this because she really proved himself to her family that she's supportive of them and that she wont take any nonsense from anyone. sHe also proved that she is able to calm himself for a small time before he really lets lose and starts a physical fight. Scout was the bigger person and didn't fell the urge to pound Francis' face in and risk her getting into a lot of trouble with the family.


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