Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Chapters 4-7


  1. Empathy.
    If I were in the shoes of Scout, I would feel out of place. Dill and Jem always harass me about being a 'girl' when I clearly don't like that title. They use my gender against me to fight their battles for them, they take full advantage over me. They always want me to do their dirty work or else they tell me I can't be friends with them anymore. Jem says, "Now you're in it and you cant get out of it, you'll just stay in it, Miss Priss!"(47)I don't want to lose them as friends so I go along with their plans even though i feel regret in doing so. I've aways tried to keep Jem and Dill out of trouble always telling them that their plans are stupid. Whatever I say though they don't care much about. But in the end me and Jem always pull through as buddies, "He stood there until nightfall, and I waited for him." (63)Jem and I will aways have our ups and down but in the end w love each other.

  2. Beliefs
    When I was little my parents always told me to respect other people's privacy and never enter their property without their consent. Jem, Dill and Scout crossed the line by entering the Radley property. Atticus is like my parents by saying, "Lastly, we were to stay away from that house until we were invited there" (49). I think that Mr. Radley had a right to protect his property because he didn't know who was out there and what their intentions were, but if the kids walked calmly to the front door they would not have been shot at. Mr. Radley was in a dire situation because he thought that the intruders might have wanted to vandalized the property and so he took action to protect himself. Lastly, Jem. Dill, and Scout should respect Mr. Radley's privacy and listen to Atticus's advice by not entering the property without an invitation.

  3. Center of Gravity

    "Insects splashing against the screen were Boo Radley's insane fingers picking the wire to pieces; the chinaberry trees were malignant, hovering, alive. I lingered between sleep and wakefulness." (60)

    This passage reminds me of when I was a little girl. Scout shares a room with Jem, like when I shared a room with my sister. I would always try to fall asleep while she was reading or sleeping, completely lulled. My sleep was always fickle because I always heard the footsteps of my father, loud and heavy on the hardwood from upstairs. I constantly thought someone was inside the house coming to get me but then my sister would talk me out of it like Jem is talking to Scout. Even if they aren't talking about the same thing, it reminded me of me as a kid.

  4. Empathy
    (pg 45-46)

    I find it hard to believe that Boo... I mean Arthur doesn't ever leave his house. I've concluded that he can't be alive any more because nothing ever happens at the house. But apparently once when I asked Mrs. Maudie if he was alive, she said he is because she hasn't "seen him carried out yet." If he is alive and well, then wouldn't he leave his house at some point? Does he do it in the middle of the night when no one's watching? I have to figure out about this mystery someday.

  5. Beliefs:
    On pages 42-46, Ms. Maudie and Scout are talking about Boo Radley. Unlike Ms. Stephanie, Ms. Maudie actually defends Boo. When Scout tells her that Ms. Stephanie said she saw him looking through her window, Ms. Maudie dismisses that rumor, saying on pg. 46, "I remember when Arthur Radley when he was a boy. He always spoke nicely to me, no matter what folks said he did. Spoke as nicely as he knew how". I really admired Ms. Maudie for this. Even though everybody thinks he's crazy, she takes a stand, and defends him. She also may be risking her own reputation. If people start hearing that Ms. Maudie actually likes Boo, people might start rumors about her too. Nevertheless, Ms. Maudie is a leader for defending Boo, and I really like her because of it.

  6. Beliefs-
    In chapter 5 I could not believe that Jem and Dill were going to go up to Mr. Boo Radley's house. Maybe they wanted to prove they were brave, or maybe they really did just want him to come out. I thought it was kind of a nice idea though since they were going to "ask him real politely to come out sometimes, and tell us what he does in there"( pg 47). At first I thought it was kind of ridiculous that they couldn't just go up the house and knock on the door asking for him. But then again, their whole plan makes it more exciting for them since there is not a whole lot going on.

  7. Rasky: I like your comparison to Jem and Scout to you and your sister because it shows that you have made connections from you to the characters and that you understand the context of the story. Good vocabulary words!

  8. 'He asked me earlier in the summer to marry him, then he promptly forgot about it. He staked me out, marked as he property, said I was the only girl he would ever love, then he neglected me.' (page 41)

    This quote from the novel brought back a lot of memories for me. First crushes become first relationships. First relationships become first loves. First loves sadly bring first heartbreaks. Scout is experiencing puppy love which is something I struggled with growing up and still am to this day. I know how it feels to 'love' someone but you keep drifting apart. You were once so close but now so far. Growing up is hard enough without the heartache. All she wants is to not nessecarily be with him but she wants to always be around him. You speak a little louder, laugh a little harder, and smile a little bigger just too try and get him to notice. That special someones precense makes your mind race, your lost for words, you can barley cetch your breath. There butterflies flying around in your stomach just trying to find their way out. This passage made me remember all my old crushes, my first love, and my share of heartbreaks.

  9. Walking up to the Radley's house was the most scary thing I've ever done! I was trembling in my shoes and felt more nauseous than Ms. Caroline when she found out Berris had lice. The second I heard the bell ring it was like a gun shot to start the race and knew I had only so much time. Luckily it was only Atticus and he just told us to stop bugging Boo Radley. All though he does scare me I would rather be screamed at by him than to be in the presence of Boo.

  10. Melissa-

    Watch out for grammar or spelling errors. Like when you wrote this "Jem and I will aways have our ups and down but in the end w love each other."

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. "'I know what we are going to play' he announced...'What?' asked Dill. 'Boo Radley'"

    I understand that Boo Radley is something almost everyone is curious about but I don't understand why they are so curious that they play a game about him and gossip about him. I feel really sorry for him. He probably just likes to keep to himself. He most likely knows there are rumors being spread about him and that probably does't help his situation. I think everyone just needs to give Boo a break.

  13. I cant believe that Scout would do such a thing, eating things that she just finds anywhere, it's a shame and a bad habit to have. After i tell her," Don't eat things you find, Scout", she wants to be sassy saying,"This wasn't on the ground, it was in a tree." Again she just doesn't listen .......


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